If a client wishes to cancel a contract that has not yet been signed by the seller, what type of form do I ?
Question by me_mommy: If a client wishes to cancel a contract that has not yet been signed by the seller, what type of form do I ?
need to have them sign? We are waiting for… Continue reading
TD1 form – Is it a contract we are signing?
Question by Bruce M: TD1 form – Is it a contract we are signing?
This form sounds like a contract to me when I have to sign it. My employer is not named on… Continue reading
Do contract employers have to provide contractors a 1099 tax form if earnings are under a certain amount?
Question by Pastor Chad from JesusFreak.com: Do contract employers have to provide contractors a 1099 tax form if earnings are under a certain amount?
I did freelance editing work for a publisher in 2007, but only earned $ 100.… Continue reading
Q&A: Any non-compete issues? I currently work for a company but will be quitting to form new business?
Question by Tara J: Any non-compete issues? I currently work for a company but will be quitting to form new business?
am i allowed to have current customers once i form new company – the current customer… Continue reading
Latest Contract Form News
Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #55
Education remains the biggest item of expenditure in Malaysia. Both in absolute amount as well as relative to the budget, GDP, and population, Malaysia spends more on education than Taiwan or South Korea… Continue reading