Where can I find online free templates for a legal business contract?
Question by Yoni: Where can I find online free templates for a legal business contract?
I need a contract that says they’ll pay me if I get this product for them. And one that says I’ll get this product… Continue reading
Where can I find copyright free, or Creative Commons licensed music?
Question by Cookie Monster: Where can I find copyright free, or Creative Commons licensed music?
I need to find educational music (a song, specifically) for use in a project.
I have tried using the creative commons search… Continue reading
Where can I find a contract for percentage ownership of website?
Question by Ruester: Where can I find a contract for percentage ownership of website?
I am being offered a percentage of total revenue of a website that will be launched soon. I am providing much or all of the… Continue reading
I’m a singer who can’t play an instrument – but I need help from a musician. Where can I find one?
Question by Kanna: I’m a singer who can’t play an instrument – but I need help from a musician. Where can I find one?
I’ve been singing since I was little. I’m very proficient at writing lyrics, as well;… Continue reading
Where can a small business find lighting/property maintenance contracts?
Question by MB: Where can a small business find lighting/property maintenance contracts?
We just started a small lighting/property maintenance company and are looking to find some interior lighting projects (re-lamping, retrofitting, pole lights) in the greater Atlanta area and/or… Continue reading