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im a freelance artist and i need to know where i can create or find a legal contract.?

Question by Andrea N: im a freelance artist and i need to know where i can create or find a legal contract.?
I have a client who lives out of united states and they… Continue reading

where could i find a entertainment management company?

Question by tri239: where could i find a entertainment management company?
hi im a unsign artistlookin for a managent company that can get me paid show and my music heard or a booking agent

Best answer:… Continue reading

wre can I find a template or how can I prepare a contract for a stripper since I am starting a stripper agency

Question by latinoboy308: wre can I find a template or how can I prepare a contract for a stripper since I am starting a stripper agency

Best answer:

Answer by Mercedes
hahaha sry, just had… Continue reading

How to Find a Music Manager and Music Producer

MUSICINDUSTRYTIPS.NET——-Tips to finding a real music manager and producer.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Where can I find example or template “Rent-to-Own”/”Lease-to-home” housing contracts?

Question by Steve A: Where can I find example or template “Rent-to-Own”/”Lease-to-home” housing contracts?
A good friend of mine has a house. She wants to rent and sell, but a possible tenant is interested in a… Continue reading