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How can I convert wma protected music (protected by Digital Licensing DRM) to mp3 unprotected files?

Question by rachael h: How can I convert wma protected music (protected by Digital Licensing DRM) to mp3 unprotected files?
dont care if its illegal…

Best answer:

Answer by ytana9999
There are no free tools.

wmaconvert works… Continue reading

How can I convert wma protected music (protected by Digital Licensing DRM) to mp3 unprotected files?

Question by SOUFWEST HTX: How can I convert wma protected music (protected by Digital Licensing DRM) to mp3 unprotected files?

Best answer:

Answer by dinomanten
get a mp3 converter that takes of protection… Continue reading

Q&A: How can I convert wma protected music (protected by Digital Licensing DRM) to mp3 unprotected files?

Question by SOUFWEST HTX: How can I convert wma protected music (protected by Digital Licensing DRM) to mp3 unprotected files?

Best answer:

Answer by CincyCat
Burn them to an audio cd and then rip the files as… Continue reading

How can I remove the digital rights management (DRM) from my music files?

Question by Matthias G: How can I remove the digital rights management (DRM) from my music files?
I would like to burn some protected music files to disk. Any program or driver that… Continue reading

The Music companies have started to place thousands of Dummy MP3 files on P2Ps will this silly prank succeed?

Question by Rhiannon: The Music companies have started to place thousands of Dummy MP3 files on P2Ps will this silly prank succeed?
Major music labels will go to any end to stop people from illegally downloading… Continue reading