I am thinking about pursuing a career somewhere in the music field ?
Question by coolstorybro69: I am thinking about pursuing a career somewhere in the music field ?
I would like to pursue a career somewhere in the music business (record label?). but i do not know anything… Continue reading
music Business field?
Question by JOHN: music Business field?
What should i major in…..yea i could major in music business but thats kind of general dont you think…….would a communication major be good? I want to work for a classical… Continue reading
Q&A: What kinds of jobs are there in the music field?
Question by music freak: What kinds of jobs are there in the music field?
I am currently in high school and am thinking about going into the musical field when I get older. Right now, I play flute and… Continue reading
Is music industry (audio production and music business) major a rewarding job field?
Question by Kaliber: Is music industry (audio production and music business) major a rewarding job field?
Ive loved music my whole life. I play it, listen to it and it is my life. Ive always wanted to go 2… Continue reading
How does this college plan sound to get into the field of recording and music production?
Question by killerice4444: How does this college plan sound to get into the field of recording and music production?
I plan on attending either Grand Valley State University in MIchigan for 4 years and majoring in broadcasting, or going… Continue reading