Opening the Field
What’s to come during the Open Field’s summer-long experiment? Join us for a social hour, followed by a chance to share ideas and pose questions about the cultural commons. What constitutes a community of shared ideas, artworks, and other resources?… Continue reading
I’m an English major interested in writing. How can a non-experienced writer get started in this field?
Question by Curly3100: I’m an English major interested in writing. How can a non-experienced writer get started in this field?
I will be getting my English degree in another year. I don’t want to go into education/… Continue reading
E-Flite Sukhoi SU 26 M 480 Field Review and Flight
Chris and I went to the field to test his new plane out and made a quick field review before the maiden flight. You can purchase this plane online from Horizon Hobby at the link below. Thanks for watching,… Continue reading
What Jobs Are Available In The Gospel Music Field?
Question by robinlovesfunderburk: What Jobs Are Available In The Gospel Music Field?
I’d love to work in the southern gospel field, maybe in something like promotions, but I’m just not sure what all is out there. I don’t sing,… Continue reading
What is the name of the Surety Bond holder for the Moly Corp Baseball Field contract in Questa New Mexico?
Question by laumbach2003: What is the name of the Surety Bond holder for the Moly Corp Baseball Field contract in Questa New Mexico?
Art’s Sprinklers of Albuquerque, New Mexico posted a performance bond before working… Continue reading