With Oliver Perez and Luis Castillo Gone, Which Mets Will Fans Target for Boos?
Moonglow on the Creosote at Indian Cove in Joshua Tree
Image by Mocodragon
I slept by the creosote in order to breath better throughout the evening; contracted some form of nasal congestion that I’ve yet to shake off.
With Oliver… Continue reading
Pats fans: Is their a limit to your support?
Question by Bentley: Pats fans: Is their a limit to your support?
We know the following: The Patriots were caught cheating, they ran up the score on more than one opponent, their MVP abandoned his pregnant girlfriend, and Belichick… Continue reading
Q&A: Can you beleive Lady gaga is just using her attention seeking antics to get fame and con her fans?
Question by : Can you beleive Lady gaga is just using her attention seeking antics to get fame and con her fans?
Lady gaga’s image (the oversexuality, the fashion, the fake eccentricity) is just her plot to gain… Continue reading
MJ fam & JB fans – Click**?
Question by MJsStranger: MJ fam & JB fans – Click**?
Michael Jackson family/fans & Justin Bieber fans,
Why do JB fans talk $ h!t to me about MJ – When JB is inspired by him?
Also, I want to… Continue reading