Music Production-How to Re- Create a Famous Hornline by ear for the best pro music tutorials ever! http for live music training presents the ‘Frontline Producer Series’ Pro Tools tutorials. Part 1 sees music producer Laurance Traverso write and arrange a pop track in Pro Tools.
How much does a music producer make after he is more famous?
Question by kj: How much does a music producer make after he is more famous?
If a music producer were to become know with artist like wayne t.i. etc how much would he make
Best answer:
Answer by Ross… Continue reading
Q&A: What does it take to become a famous music producer?
Question by ty c: What does it take to become a famous music producer?
Best answer:
Answer by Jan Stolz
Money. Lots of money. A typical film costs from ten to twenty million dollars to produce.
Know better? Leave… Continue reading
do you need a recording contract to become like a famous singer?
Question by Track Star Figga: do you need a recording contract to become like a famous singer?
i was just wondering because i was watching this show about this guy who went to a recording studio to… Continue reading