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Did You Know 2010 Social Media Revolution Facebook Twitter YouTube Statistics Shift Happens.avi

bit.ly —- If you want to make money marketing on facebook you need this, its awesome. Video sources we combined and edited to make shorter: “Social Media Revolution 2” (Refresh) www.youtube.com “Did You Know 4.0” www.youtube.com Song is “Right Here,… Continue reading

Social Networks Connecting music industry conference: YouTube MySpace Facebook stats

www.digitalmusic2008.com Before Edison, music had scarcity value. You had to be in the right place at the right time to enjoy it. Technology made it possible to distribute performances widely to be consumed at any time. With digital media, music… Continue reading

Is there a way to make myself invisible on facebook chat?

Question by Jeff: Is there a way to make myself invisible on facebook chat?
I have a lot of friends on facebook for the purpose of music promotion. However, I don’t want them all to see me on chat.… Continue reading

Facebook posts result in jail time over conditions

Facebook posts result in jail time over conditions
Friday February 18, 2011 BENNINGTON — A man convicted of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old was given a jail sentence for violating conditions of his probation by drinking alcohol and leaving the state,… Continue reading

Autograph Store Charity Fundraising to Give Away Oscar-themed Fundraising Items During Weeklong Facebook Event

Autograph Store Charity Fundraising to Give Away Oscar-themed Fundraising Items During Weeklong Facebook Event
New York – Oscar fever has spread to the world of non-profit fundraising. Autograph Store Charity Fundraising announced today it plans to give away five rare… Continue reading