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TACO: Let’s Face The Music And Dance (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Website: www.taco.tc -OFFICIAL BIOGRAPHY Born on July 21, 1955 in Djakarta Taco spent his childhood in the Netherlands, USA, Singapore, Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany, visited everywhere the “International Schools Of America” and graduated 1973. Studied interior decoration and finished acting… Continue reading

Business travelers face a changing landscape

Business travelers face a changing landscape
US Airways’ recent decision to offer first-class seats on regional jets is just one of a series of changes affecting business travelers, from overseas cell phone service to electronic boarding passes to rising hotel… Continue reading

When Oracle And Cisco Face Fire, Their Execs Breathe It Too

When Oracle And Cisco Face Fire, Their Execs Breathe It Too
Oracle is battling the big players in Big Data with its integrated stack approach. Cisco is battling the commoditization of its core business. As those battles were heating up,… Continue reading

Q&A: how would the face of popular music change if the top names musical artists of today from all genres said the?

Question by mae: how would the face of popular music change if the top names musical artists of today from all genres said the?
the hell with RCA and Clive; pack up their bags; brought out there contracts or… Continue reading

States face fiscal cliff

States face fiscal cliff
As lawmakers around the country debate their states’ budgets, they’re staring over the edge of a massive fiscal cliff — the point where about $ 100 billion in federal stimulus money for education will run out.… Continue reading