Miami Florida Attorney – Lawyer Dania Fernandez Real Estate Spanish #33

Education * Juris Doctor, Nova Southeastern University * Masters of Gifted Education, Florida International University * Add on Certification in Special Education, Florida International University * Bachelors of Education, Florida International University Memberships * The Florida Bar * American Bar… Continue reading
I am looking for a completed sample of a real estate contract to use as a guide.?
Question by gustang01: I am looking for a completed sample of a real estate contract to use as a guide.?
I have a preliminary contract to use and I am not sure on the time frame on… Continue reading
Michael Jackson estate earns $310 million in revenue
Michael Jackson estate earns 0 million in revenue
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Michael Jackson’s estate has generated $ 310 million in revenue from album sales, a film, merchandising and other products since the “Thriller” singer died in 2009, according to… Continue reading
I need a sample real estate contract offer withdrawal letter?
Question by henry2: I need a sample real estate contract offer withdrawal letter?
does anyone have a sample real estate contract withdrawal letter?
Best answer:
Answer by R. D.
It doesn’t have to be anything special. I (your name)… Continue reading
Can specific performance be ordered on a BUYER in a real estate transaction?
Question by curiouspbp: Can specific performance be ordered on a BUYER in a real estate transaction?
Specific performance is often ordered on a seller who refuses to sell his/her property when under contract.
However, what if the buyer under… Continue reading