where can i find a sample of a real estate management contract – for vacation properties?
Question by Roses Abound: where can i find a sample of a real estate management contract – for vacation properties?
Best answer:
Answer by sunshine_today
You need to get one locally. Every state has different laws.
Know… Continue reading
Local real estate attorneys apparently don’t need my business. Can I safely write my own rental agreement?
Question by CJ: Local real estate attorneys apparently don’t need my business. Can I safely write my own rental agreement?
At least four local real estate agents have not returned my call for help with a contract to rent… Continue reading
where can I locate a free sample of real estate wholsale contract?
Question by camele1: where can I locate a free sample of real estate wholsale contract?
Best answer:
Answer by Sharon T
What is a wholesale contract? Do you mean a commercial lease? If so, you can buy… Continue reading
Does anyone know of a website or reference that provides basic contracts for recreational co-op real estate?
Question by niupt2k: Does anyone know of a website or reference that provides basic contracts for recreational co-op real estate?
I am looking to get involved with family / friends on a vacation property within the next few months,… Continue reading
Miami Florida Attorney – Lawyer Dania Fernandez www.FloridaLawAttorney.com Real Estate Spanish # 39

Education * Juris Doctor, Nova Southeastern University * Masters of Gifted Education, Florida International University * Add on Certification in Special Education, Florida International University * Bachelors of Education, Florida International University Memberships * The Florida Bar * American Bar… Continue reading