Seafarer’s Corner: Novation and Employment Contract
Seafarer’s Corner: Novation and Employment Contract
Juan Javier F. Paras (Know your Rights Under the POEA Standard Employment Contract) WILL a change solely initiated by the owner in the usage of its vessel from overseas trade to coastwise trade constitute… Continue reading
can you give me a sample of employment contract?
Question by ryce_angel: can you give me a sample of employment contract?
I need it asap.
hiring foreigner for marketing job. I need your answers asap.
Best answer:
Answer by annazzz1966
You need to seek the advice of a… Continue reading
Q&A: How to write a letter to terminate an employment contract?
Question by winnie: How to write a letter to terminate an employment contract?
My friend has signed a contract with a company which she is supposed to serve for 1 year. However, due to unforseen circumstances,… Continue reading
Q&A: I need a sample contract of employment for “Zero Hours”. Where can I get a UK legal pro forma to use?
Question by glynduff: I need a sample contract of employment for “Zero Hours”. Where can I get a UK legal pro forma to use?
Best answer:
Answer by Fryemall
Call an employment attorney and ask for a generic contract.… Continue reading
Winanjjikari 2009 Music Employment Program
The name Singing for Belonging says it all, with the musicians from the Winanjjikari Music Centre representing a variety of different Aboriginal languages from across the Barkly Region, yet working together in harmony and presenting their diverse stories and background… Continue reading