Q&A: What are some effective secure business contracts to use in importing expensive items from China?
Question by Alkalne: What are some effective secure business contracts to use in importing expensive items from China?
I have a business plan with 600-700 dollar items, however my funds will be sent up front via bank… Continue reading
Q&A: Can any one help me in finding the online music store which sells licenced music at cost effective price?
Question by saravanan: Can any one help me in finding the online music store which sells licenced music at cost effective price?
The company has many kiosks in Chennai where one can get songs downloaded to mobile or burn… Continue reading
What is least costly and most effective way for promotion?
Question by John K: What is least costly and most effective way for promotion?
Hi, I am throwing a random event it is going to have a taco truck, music, and cool visuals. What is the best… Continue reading
What is the most effective way to blow up in the music industry starting from the local perspective?
Question by Cody: What is the most effective way to blow up in the music industry starting from the local perspective?
I’m in a local band in NC.
I’m just trying to figure out what the most effective way… Continue reading
Effective Health Promotion Strategies
Experts in the field of social marketing were brought together by the California Office of Binational Border Health to share their knowledge and help your agency achieve success. In this edition, Moshe Engelberg, Ph.D., MPH, Graduate School of Public Health,… Continue reading