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Startup Veterans Launch Imagine K12, A “Y Combinator For Education Startups”

Jose María Cámara, en la Graduación del IE – II
music business schools
Image by edans
Lección magistral del Director de Sony BMG para la Península Ibérica sobre la evolución de la industria de la música

Startup Veterans Launch Imagine K12, A “Y… Continue reading

ChinaCast Education Reports Strong Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2010 Financial Results

ChinaCast Education Reports Strong Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2010 Financial Results
ChinaCast Education Corporation , a leading for-profit, post-secondary and e-learning services provider in China, today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2010.
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Junior Achievement Marks 90 Years of Business Education

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report, from In two thousand nine, Junior Achievement marked its ninetieth anniversary of educating young people about business and economics. The nonprofit organization is the largest of its kind. Jack Kosakowsky is… Continue reading

Is a college education all that important anymore?

Question by teambargain: Is a college education all that important anymore?
~ I went to college and am not using my education for the current work I am doing. My sister and brother n law both went to Manhatten… Continue reading

What education requirements are needed to become a music producer?

Question by djken97: What education requirements are needed to become a music producer?

Best answer:

Answer by Bilal
none…you just have to make a good product to sell like anything else in the entertainment industry

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