How can Microsoft afford to sell unlimited music rental Zune Pass for $15 dollars while Apple sells $1 songs?
Question by Chandler: How can Microsoft afford to sell unlimited music rental Zune Pass for dollars while Apple sells songs?
Microsoft sells their Zune pass for $ 15 for unlimited downloads to your portable music player.… Continue reading
Ex-IMF chief Strauss-Kahn set to receive 318,000 dollars ‘golden parachute’
Ex-IMF chief Strauss-Kahn set to receive 318,000 dollars ‘golden parachute’
New York, May 20: Former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is accused of a sex attack on a New York City hotel maid and is currently awaiting release… Continue reading
Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of $30 million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Question by : Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Rob Fusari is suing Lady Gaga for $ 30 million by claiming he crafted her image—that look was decidedly… Continue reading
Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of $30 million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Question by : Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Rob Fusari is suing Lady Gaga for $ 30 million by claiming he crafted her image—that look… Continue reading
How many millions of dollars will I be worth once I get my recording contract?
Question by : How many millions of dollars will I be worth once I get my recording contract?
im going to be a jazillionare!
Best answer:
Answer by Robert B
I don’t think you will get that far….
Know better?… Continue reading