Are there public kiosks that serve as digital filling stations for downloading major label music to devices?
Question by stevevsi123: Are there public kiosks that serve as digital filling stations for downloading major label music to devices?
Are there kiosks capable of downloading content encrypted with digital rights management (DRM) software.
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What software program should we use to create an online library of our digital music?
Question by J. Noise: What software program should we use to create an online library of our digital music?
We are a small commercial music production company for film and television. We would like to create an… Continue reading
Sowmya Raoh to release her1st Digital RandB Single
Sowmya Raoh to release her1st Digital RandB Single
Sowmya Raoh, one of Bollywood’s leading singing talents, has teamed up with Mix Man Shawn, a South Asian music producer based in California and who has worked with the likes of mainstream… Continue reading
Can you sell digital music brought on iTunes?
Question by Jason S: Can you sell digital music brought on iTunes?
Quick question. Can you sell music that you purchase on iTunes to someone else?
For example. I buy a single for 79p… Continue reading
How to Make a Record Album : Plug-ins for the Digital Audio Workstation: Making an Album
Find out how to use plug-ins for a digital audio workstation. Learn how tobecome a music producer and get tips on what it takes to make a great album. These free studio recording videos help you get started producing your… Continue reading