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Creative economy – new paradigm for local economy

Creative economy – new paradigm for local economy
Sri Lanka has been ranked as the number one tourist destination by the New York Times in its list of ‘31 Places to Go in 2010’. Sri Lanka has received another nod… Continue reading

creative jobs… fashion industry, music. Please help!?

Question by anonymous me: creative jobs… fashion industry, music. Please help!?
Hi, I’m 14 years old and I know i’m still young but I really need to have an idea of what i want to get into… Continue reading

How To Use Facebook for Creative Business

www.schoolofcreativebusiness.com How to use Facebook for your Creative Business Creating Facebook pages are fun, but they can be used to market almost any creative business out there. Alease Michelle from the School of Creative Business shares with other creative entrepreneurs… Continue reading

Are men naturally more artistically creative than women?

Question by The Equalist: Are men naturally more artistically creative than women?
Are men naturally more artistically creative than women?

People are always saying how women are more in touch with their emotions, express emotions better, etc.

But, I… Continue reading

Musicians’ survival guide: Making a living requires creative thinking

Musicians’ survival guide: Making a living requires creative thinking
For artists who have not been on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, who aren’t household names, the new paradigm is a maze of obstacles.
Read more on Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

B-Sens… Continue reading