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Court - 2/12 - Music Legal Contracts

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The People’s Court- “Withholding Monies Owed” Part 1

NOTE: This video does have a teeny tiny part cut off at the beginning, however it is nothing wildly important. Also, the audio cuts in and out for a few seconds, but goes away quickly. Damn cable company!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Appeals court backs NFL, lockout remains

business contracts
Image by GovWin
Moderator Hilary A. Fordwich, President & CEO, Business Development International (a division of LSI), with panelists Stephanie Ambrose, Vice President, Federal Civilian Business Development, Serco Inc; Keith A. Cromack, Executive Director, Business Development, CTC; Emma Jackson,… Continue reading

Court ends dad’s desperate battle

business contracts
Image by GovWin
Moderator Hilary A. Fordwich, President & CEO, Business Development International (a division of LSI), with panelists Stephanie Ambrose, Vice President, Federal Civilian Business Development, Serco Inc; Keith A. Cromack, Executive Director, Business Development, CTC; Emma Jackson,… Continue reading

Deutsche Bank, Disney, Goldman, Glaxo, BP, Mylan, Savvis in Court News

SEIU Wisconsin Director Pete Hanrahan.
contract agreement
Image by SEIU Local 1
The Local 1 bargaining team had just reached a tentative agreement. Hanrahan gave a rally speech on the bigger fights ahead.

"The janitors at 789 don’t have a new contract.… Continue reading

How do you change a complaint filed in a New York State Civil Court and make it fileable in a Federal Court?

Question by answer?: How do you change a complaint filed in a New York State Civil Court and make it fileable in a Federal Court?
I sued my former employer and raised some Constitutional issues. My… Continue reading