Pay up, court orders king
Job for a Cowboy
Image by © Natalia Balcerska Photography
Job for a Cowboy at Academy 2 in Manchester, England on 6th November 2010
Pay up, court orders king
ABATHEMBU King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo is allegedly so bad at… Continue reading
Facebook calls NY lawsuit ‘fraud on the court’
Facebook calls NY lawsuit ‘fraud on the court’
Buffalo, N.Y.— Attorneys for Facebook Inc. are calling a New York man’s federal lawsuit claiming part ownership of the company “a fraud on the court.”
Read more on Detroit News
Report suggested… Continue reading
Can I sue a state or state actor in federal court if I filed the action in state court but was then removed?
Question by answer?: Can I sue a state or state actor in federal court if I filed the action in state court but was then removed?
I sued: 1) my former employer, 2) the state of new york and… Continue reading
The People’s Court- “Canceling an Event” [Overzealous event organizers mismanage venue!]

Negotiating a contract is never easy, especially if you are new to negotiating, so our expert is here to teach you the tips and tricks to get the contract you want, in this free contract negotiation video. Expert: Barry Payne… Continue reading
Appeals court keeps NFL lockout; next hearing set for June 3
Appeals court keeps NFL lockout; next hearing set for June 3
That ruling means the league likely won’t get back to business until at least next month — and maybe much longer than that. The decision came as NFL owners… Continue reading