stable major but could involve music in some way?
Question by intheoryxx: stable major but could involve music in some way?
okay, so music has been a passion for me always whether it be music technology, preforming, teaching etc. As much as I’d like to pursue these dreams… Continue reading
Do you need a music license to run a web radio, if so anyone know where i could get one?
Question by Darren: Do you need a music license to run a web radio, if so anyone know where i could get one?
say, i wont to play a new song, do i need to pay for some license… Continue reading
Mini disks with slanted edges could save your data, not the music industry
Mini disks with slanted edges could save your data, not the music industry
No, not those MiniDiscs . The ones we’re talking about, created by researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, are much, much smaller — less than 300 nanometers across.… Continue reading
Are there any talented celebrities that COULD actually perform live and compete on American Idol?
Question by isabel_jade: Are there any talented celebrities that COULD actually perform live and compete on American Idol?
What signed music artists do you think COULD compete and do well in American Idol? Make a top 12!
Who would… Continue reading
Could someone point me to a source that explains all the business aspects involved in producing a stage play?
Question by Glenn F: Could someone point me to a source that explains all the business aspects involved in producing a stage play?
I need to know about licensing agreements, business plans, artist contracts, etc. The source… Continue reading