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What are some music careers I could possibly choose?

Question by Katelyn: What are some music careers I could possibly choose?
I’m interested in a career in music but I’m not sure specifically what to choose. I don’t think I want to teach or go into… Continue reading

Is it safe to use a motorhome for lodging in the music business in downtown L.A? I am thinking I could stay?

Question by The Wizard: Is it safe to use a motorhome for lodging in the music business in downtown L.A? I am thinking I could stay?
in one after my shows and have it there during breaks. How long… Continue reading

How could I try to sign with a label from Sony Music Entertainment?

Question by Pedro: How could I try to sign with a label from Sony Music Entertainment?
I’m a 15 year old musician who plays the drums, the guitar and signs. I also dance. I would like to know how… Continue reading

Are there any song companies in the U.S.A. where I could get my lyrics published without music?

Question by Justin: Are there any song companies in the U.S.A. where I could get my lyrics published without music?
I have songs that I have written and I want to get them published. I do not… Continue reading

If you could move 3 RHH artists to different record labels?

Question by Chuck Norris: If you could move 3 RHH artists to different record labels?
Who would you move?
What record label?

Best answer:

Answer by PurplePeopleEater(Vikings 10-2)
Well Since I mentioned Demigodz in my last question, Ill… Continue reading