music publishing and copyright?
Question by AndrewGhostLCL: music publishing and copyright?
hello all! good Sunday morning and i hope its a good one for you too.
today i have a few questions regarding music publication.
first and foremost, I am a composer with… Continue reading
How can a new music artist copyright his songs and get involved in the music industry?
Question by Nicky: How can a new music artist copyright his songs and get involved in the music industry?
How do you get in touch with a production company? Mainly talking about electronic music but should be… Continue reading
Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society claiming copyright on youtube?
Question by TheChipmunkCraze: Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society claiming copyright on youtube?
I have a copyright claim by a group called “Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society”. The content type was “musical composition”. I have done some research on this… Continue reading
How to Copyright a Song : Music Copyright Forms

Advice on filing copyright forms. Find out how to fill out PA and SR forms to copyright a song in this free music business and song publishing video. Expert: Antonio Neal Bio: Antonio Neal has written more than 40 cuts… Continue reading
I need to find music copyright information on Romania?
Question by wilddog989: I need to find music copyright information on Romania?
– Details of copyright law (term, statutory rates, etc)
– Registration process (forms, fees, etc)
– Organizations responsible for collections and what… Continue reading