Q&A: Is it wise for a music producer to give a copy of their instrumental 4 a singer to work on at home?
Question by Katy: Is it wise for a music producer to give a copy of their instrumental 4 a singer to work on at home?
Is it wise for a music producer to give a copy of their instrumental… Continue reading
Rahasya Media Group LLC (Copy Right Sample)
This video is Copy righted by Rahasya Media Group LLC. This is a sample for online contract, Not for personal use. Thank you… Designed and Edit by saqib manzoor. Authorized by Rahasya Media Group LLC.

This is a teaching sample,… Continue reading
is there a website with a duplicate copy of a record label contract?
Question by jlncrawford: is there a website with a duplicate copy of a record label contract?
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Answer by goodsounds
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Can anyone tell me where I can get a Copy of a “Comic Book Artist Contract”?
Question by Aldo m: Can anyone tell me where I can get a Copy of a “Comic Book Artist Contract”?
Can anyone tell me where I can get a Copy of a “Comic Book Artist Contract”?
Right now I’m… Continue reading
Should I Sell My Music without a Contract Even if it’s Copy Written?
Learn Should you Still Have A contract n place with a Artist even if the Music is Copy written
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Michael Laskow, CEO of A&R company TAXI shares his knowledge about what it takes to be… Continue reading