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[ FL Studio ] Immediate Music – Judgement Day [ Copy ]

Immediate Music – Judgement Day [ Copy ] by Vas High Quality : www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Q&A: Is copy and pasting from a legal template plagiarism?

Question by Kathryn: Is copy and pasting from a legal template plagiarism?
I’m a contract for a law class. My group mates pretty much just copy and pasted the example we were given, but that… Continue reading


Question by Sarah: COPY RIGHT & MUSIC SHARING !?
if you make a website and let people download free music but you don’t host music files and just link to other sites content and in disclaimer you clarify… Continue reading

Is it illegal to copy someone’s contract?

Question by Dog_person: Is it illegal to copy someone’s contract?
I am an art dealer and I need to make a contract between me and the artist. I have a contract written by other company and I want to… Continue reading

where can i find the affidavit to contract marriage form to download or someone have a blank copy to email me?

Question by gunnyhoney1: where can i find the affidavit to contract marriage form to download or someone have a blank copy to email me?
i am trying to save myself some time when i am in manila to get… Continue reading