Will yahoo survive under the control of Zionist Rupert Murdock?
Question by United_Peace: Will yahoo survive under the control of Zionist Rupert Murdock?
Ya, yahoo has an article today headlined: Yahoo exploring alliance with News Corp.
OMG, if yahoo sells off to Murdock, a lot of people would close… Continue reading
Avoca Voice Control on THE Tour, Control4 2010
Its back, its bigger, it’s better than everand coming to a city near you! This year were offering not one but two simultaneous tracks of training one focusing on Marketing and Sales and the other on Tech topics. See the… Continue reading
Q&A: Health Care workers please respond, infection control question…?
Question by E A: Health Care workers please respond, infection control question…?
I work doing a busy ER doing Intake and in room registrations in a childrens hospital. We are required to put on their wrist… Continue reading