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Can you tell me something about contracts during the Ming Dynasty?

Question by Harve: Can you tell me something about contracts during the Ming Dynasty?
I just want to get a good idea and learn some interesting facts about the use of contracts for such things as hiring a worker,… Continue reading

Where on line can you get form for land contracts Free ?

contract form
by wallyg

Question by ellis7822@sbcglobal.net: Where on line can you get form for land contracts Free ?
I need a form with figures for $ 49,900.00 a land contract,
with a 30 year amoratization with a 3 year balloon… Continue reading

how do you get contracts for a security business?

Question by Dimitri: how do you get contracts for a security business?
i am starting my own security agency and im looking for info.

Best answer:

Answer by –
A lot of cold calling and sending out marketing material.… Continue reading

Where can I find free International Contracts samples?

Question by nataliiataller: Where can I find free International Contracts samples?
I have to make a work about contracts. I’ve found some samples of business contracts, employment contracts, construction contracts. Help me with the (free) samples of International Contracts?… Continue reading

What were the top three biggest record contracts ever signed? (please help!!)?

Question by Sarah: What were the top three biggest record contracts ever signed? (please help!!)?
money wise, like who was it how much did they make who signed them ect, you dont have to tell me all that just… Continue reading