What colleges offer a Music Production degree? What exactly does a music producer do?
Question by TinyDancer: What colleges offer a Music Production degree? What exactly does a music producer do?
What schools are best for this? Are there any around the eastern SD/Minnesota or Midwestern area?
What is the… Continue reading
What are the top 3 best colleges for music business, production and other general music majors?
Question by mike5127777: What are the top 3 best colleges for music business, production and other general music majors?
I know of Berklee up in Boston MA but if I dont get into that i want… Continue reading
Q&A: Know any Music Business/Management colleges?
Question by viitaviolenta: Know any Music Business/Management colleges?
I’m currently a senior at my high school in Los Angeles, California, and i’ve been looking a colleges that incorporate a main focus in music business, production, and management.
My focus:… Continue reading
What 4 year colleges or universities offer music business/industry majors?
Question by exh0rder17: What 4 year colleges or universities offer music business/industry majors?
I’m planning on transferring to USC next year from a CC for music industry but I need some schools to fall back on. Please refer any… Continue reading
Q&A: What are the best colleges for music business?
Question by darksweets: What are the best colleges for music business?
The question’s self-explanatory.
But on a side note:
-Is it better to go for straight-up music business or go for regular business and later incorporate music into it?… Continue reading