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How does this college plan sound to get into the field of recording and music production?

Question by killerice4444: How does this college plan sound to get into the field of recording and music production?
I plan on attending either Grand Valley State University in MIchigan for 4 years and majoring in broadcasting, or going… Continue reading

what college has a good music business program(in california)?

Question by Rocky: what college has a good music business program(in california)?
I want to work in the music business, not singing or playing music but working in the industry. I need to know a good college… Continue reading

if i want to become a music producer, what college majors are there?

Question by Jon: if i want to become a music producer, what college majors are there?
I want to become a producer, but theres so many different music majors. Which ones are good for this career?
Are there any… Continue reading

Q&A: What 3rd language would you suggest for a person going into Music Business in college?

Question by Mike S: What 3rd language would you suggest for a person going into Music Business in college?
Im looking at going into music business in college. I’m currently taking spanish at my high school. They… Continue reading

Does anyone know of a good college that teaches interior/fashion design, photography and music courses?

Question by xorockluv1894ox: Does anyone know of a good college that teaches interior/fashion design, photography and music courses?
I am looking for a college that teaches all the courses I want. These courses include music/ music technology, interior/fashion design,… Continue reading