Taking online classes what is a good major for this career?
by _cobb
Question by LataHarris: Taking online classes what is a good major for this career?
I am desperate to work in the music industry. So I decided that I will work a 9-5, do online courses and working… Continue reading
I have to write poetry for my anger management classes?
Question by Jilibean TOP CONTRIBUTOR IN CATS: I have to write poetry for my anger management classes?
Here it is:
Why am I surrounded by people I hate?
Everywhere I look, I see hatred and stupidity and people that… Continue reading
What colleges have the best music production classes?
Question by Aidan Hutt: What colleges have the best music production classes?
I don’t mean like schools that are specifically music colleges like Berklee or something like Tisch, in NYU, I just want to know which well rounded colleges… Continue reading
College Classes for music producer/artist?
by lodge28
Question by Flawl3$$: College Classes for music producer/artist?
So i’m interested in becoming a music producer like making beats and what not. and was wondering if their is any classes you can take in college to learn… Continue reading
Do colleges have instument oriented classes?
Question by Chris: Do colleges have instument oriented classes?
I started playing guitar about 4 months ago and Im majoring in business next year. I have alot of AP credits so I wanted to take some sort of music… Continue reading