Carly Harrington: Downtown a draw for businesses
Image by rafeejewell
The holidays have been intense with RL and SL busy mode happening all at once! I hadn’t even started my shopping for gifts until yesterday! LOL! OMG!
Some great events and partys on… Continue reading
Helping Others, 1/4: What businesses and firms did in 2010
Helping Others, 1/4: What businesses and firms did in 2010
The Daily Record would like to note through its fifth annual Helping Others recognition campaign the contributions of time, money and other forms of support made by Maryland businesses, law… Continue reading
Local entrepreneur building a music empire benefitting local artists and businesses in New Hartford
Local entrepreneur building a music empire benefitting local artists and businesses in New Hartford
NEW HARTFORD — Shane Martin has always fostered a deep passion for music and business that started at a young age and hasn’t stopped growing.
Read… Continue reading
Fair Access for Small Businesses to Fed. Contracts – 2

Testimony by Ms. Fay E. Ott Associate Administrator Office Of Government Contracting & Business Development (ADA GCBD) US Small Business Administration
1500+ Business and Legal Documents for all type of businesses We provide you with over 1500 business documents such as contracts, legal agreements, board resolutions, meeting minutes, letters, spreadsheets, plans, proposals, press releases, policies, forms checklists and more…, RCP Secure Business Documents is an essential tool to help you… Continue reading