Johnny Burnette – I Beg Your Pardon
Success in California with Ricky Nelson Now unemployed in Memphis, Johnny also decided to try his luck in California. He and a friend, Joe Campbell, hitched down to the West Coast. Here they joined Dorsey and with their past differences… Continue reading
Hank C. Burnette – “The King Of Rock’n Roll”

For best HIGH QUALITY picture and sound click on the following blue URL link: Hi y’all! So you thought you’d finally gotten rid of me, huh? Well, bust my breeches and whatta ya know, here I am again, fresh… Continue reading
Johnny Burnette Trio – Lonesome Train

In 1952, the Burnette brothers and Burlison formed a group called The Rhythm Rangers at the time. Johnny Burnette sang the vocals and played acoustic guitar, Dorsey played bass and Paul Burlison played lead guitar. For economic reasons, in 1956,… Continue reading
Hank C. Burnette – “Crazy Baby”

Most Rockabilly addicts probably already know about a group called The Rockin’ R’s, who’s stroll to fame and fortune literally lies in their very first single on the small Tempus label out of Peoria, Illinois called “Crazy Baby”/”The Beat”. I… Continue reading