I get hired to teach a class at a University. The building i tech in is destroyed by fire. ?
Question by kevski33: I get hired to teach a class at a University. The building i tech in is destroyed by fire. ?
The university refuses to pay me claiming they have been discharged from the contract and performance… Continue reading
Designing and Building the Blueprint of WE: The State of Grace Document Collaboration Process (5:00)
(5:00 Intro) “Designing and Building the “Blueprint of WE.” The State of Grace Document is a simple, groundbreaking collaboration process that builds effortless, resilient relationships within entire corporations to communities and couples, worldwide. It is often being used to enhance… Continue reading
Q&A: which is the most popular form of building contract used in the UK?
Question by opusgazelle: which is the most popular form of building contract used in the UK?
Best answer:
Answer by Aaron G
Not sure about UK but in Canada it is definatly tender and bid, where an owner puts… Continue reading
New SCCC building to be musical center
New SCCC building to be musical center
The 12,600-square-foot space will include teaching studios, a live recording studio, a recital space, two specialized music classrooms, faculty offices and a student lounge, according to the school. The school now offers degrees… Continue reading