I have two sons tring to break in the music industry both are yery good, one in R&B the other rap what to do?
Question by pops: I have two sons tring to break in the music industry both are yery good, one in R&B the other rap what to do?
one of my sons that’s doing the rap thang will… Continue reading
How does a great band get a break in the music industry? radio airtime? mtv? These guys are hot!?
Question by SeeksHonesty: How does a great band get a break in the music industry? radio airtime? mtv? These guys are hot!?
They are a full fledged band. They are between the ages of 30 something to… Continue reading
How to break a cell phone contract?
Question by psycjguy: How to break a cell phone contract?
I have alltel and I am happy with the service but my needs for phones have changed and I would like to upgrade to newer/data phone like a blackberry… Continue reading
Let me break you down – {Club | HipHop} beat (FL studio)

MP3 Version is also available at: www.soundclick.com www.reverbnation.com Buy a lease for .99 and get beat (HQ & tag-free) immediately at: www.reverbnation.com After payment, please contact nquocnghia@gmail.com for the lease contract ! Contact nquocnghia@gmail.com for prices if you require EXCLUSIVE… Continue reading
Can you break into the music industry with a Media qualification?
Question by greymarrow1: Can you break into the music industry with a Media qualification?
I am hoping to get a job in something music-related eventually but the only courses available around me are Media First & National Diploma courses.… Continue reading