Zillow With a Z Will Break NYSE’s Grip on Single-Letter Tickers
Zillow With a Z Will Break NYSE’s Grip on Single-Letter Tickers
Zillow Inc. wants to end the New York Stock Exchange’s monopoly on companies trading under a single letter.
Read more on Bloomberg
Sony Chief Stringer Blindsided by Hackers
Sony… Continue reading
Local Singer Hopes “X Factor” Audition will be Big Break
EnVogue – RonSombilonGallery (39)
Image by Ron Sombilon Gallery
En Vogue @ the PNE Vancouver Summer Night Concert Series
sponsored by Global BC & Vancouver Sun.
photos by RonSombilonGallery.com
Local Singer Hopes “X Factor”… Continue reading
Why did Clay Aiken decide to break away from the contract of 19 Entertainment?
Question by make art, not war: Why did Clay Aiken decide to break away from the contract of 19 Entertainment?
I’ve heard that Clay Aiken hired a lawyer (Jess L. Rosen) to free him from the binding… Continue reading
ideas on how to break into the music business with travelling with the band…?
Question by Jenny17: ideas on how to break into the music business with travelling with the band…?
i dont even really know what career in particular. a job where you travel with the band, preferably indie bands, and just,… Continue reading
What steps would one take to break into the music promoting & booking industry?
Question by leisl: What steps would one take to break into the music promoting & booking industry?
Specifically, I am interested in leaving my current career. I would like to learn more about approachign the Booking Agent or Music… Continue reading