How has the online distribution of music, both legal and illegal, changed the expectations of music audiences?
Question by m11: How has the online distribution of music, both legal and illegal, changed the expectations of music audiences?
Best answer:
Answer by Raylene D
Want a single cut instead of an album or full… Continue reading
New car Dealer backing out of deal after we both signed purchase agreement and contract!?
Question by jarrodaizling: New car Dealer backing out of deal after we both signed purchase agreement and contract!?
I had a dealer back out of a car sale today after we both signed… Continue reading
That’ll Be The Day (both versions) & Lookin’ For Someone To Love Buddy Holly & the Crickets
Buddy Holly turned to rock music after seeing Elvis sing live in Lubbock in early 1955. On October 15, he opened on the same bill with Presley, also in Lubbock, catching the eye of a Nashville talent scout. Holly’s transition… Continue reading
What are some good jobs that deal with music or movies or both?
Question by Shane Foley: What are some good jobs that deal with music or movies or both?
I’m not really looking for one answer, but maybe suggestions. Pretty much I… Continue reading