How do I pay when running an online bookstore?
Question by Alternative Chick: How do I pay when running an online bookstore?
I want to begin my own online e-book store in which I offer a place for traditional published authors and self-published authors… Continue reading
Online BookStore QUestions?
Question by crystisbooks: Online BookStore QUestions?
want to begin my own online e-book store in which I offer a place for traditional published authors and self-published authors to sell their books, magazine, and music in a completely… Continue reading
Help with naming a new bookstore. What is sold is electronic books-study guides-games-magazines-notes&music?
Question by JayPVIP: Help with naming a new bookstore. What is sold is electronic books-study guides-games-magazines-notes&music?
The content is provided via web, e-readers, course management ANGEL suites, and kiosks. My company incorporates cost effective college materials… Continue reading
Utopian Direction Bookstore hosts grand opening
Utopian Direction Bookstore hosts grand opening
Warwick – On Friday evening, Nov. 12, Mayor Michael Newhard and Michael Johndrow, executive director of the Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce, joined James and Monica Antonie, for the grand opening of Utopian Direction… Continue reading