what is the legal age to form a binding contract?
Question by David S: what is the legal age to form a binding contract?
I’m a high school grad. I’m working full time
Best answer:
Answer by Michael B
I believe it’s 21.
Know better?… Continue reading
Is a verbal agreement binding if there is also a contract involved not yet signed?
Question by Samantha: Is a verbal agreement binding if there is also a contract involved not yet signed?
I rented a parking spot in a garage and the owner and I had a verbal agreement that I would pay… Continue reading
Is a request time off form from your work a binding contract between you and your employer?
Question by brandyliliy: Is a request time off form from your work a binding contract between you and your employer?
just thinking…
Best answer:
Answer by Kekionga
I don’t think so. I know that vacations get rescinded when customer… Continue reading
Tutu: “We want a legally binding agreement”
South African Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu speaks to a lively crowd in Copenhagen on Dec 13, 2009, urging a legally binding agreement. Tutu delivered tens of thousands of signatures from around the world to Yvo de Boer,… Continue reading
Is a verbal agreement a legal binding contract in california?
Question by Mark Cerda: Is a verbal agreement a legal binding contract in california?
I loaned a friend $ 500 and he was sopposed to give me the title to his his car for collateral, wich… Continue reading