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Q&A: Michelle and Margaret agree to form a partnership. The partnership contract between Michelle and Margaret?

Question by sarah: Michelle and Margaret agree to form a partnership. The partnership contract between Michelle and Margaret?
does not have to be in writing in order to be enforceable in the courts.

Best answer:

Answer by… Continue reading

Is there a standard model for a contract between the ghostwriter of a memoir and the subject of…?

Question by Brittny: Is there a standard model for a contract between the ghostwriter of a memoir and the subject of…?
…the memoir?
My brother knows a retired movie actor. The two of them have agreed… Continue reading

Sex agreement letter/contract between 2 sets of parents and children? Legal advice plz

Question by Mandy: Sex agreement letter/contract between 2 sets of parents and children? Legal advice plz
Ok heres the situation. My male cousin of 17 years is and has been dating a girl who is 15 years… Continue reading

How to write a business contract between friends?

Question by JT: How to write a business contract between friends?
my friend wants me to invest into buying a business with him, with an investment of 25k. The Business is already established and from the looks of the… Continue reading

Creating a contract between a teacher / student for Martial Arts Training?

Question by echickaboo99: Creating a contract between a teacher / student for Martial Arts Training?
I have a friend that is starting a business teaching martial arts. He wants to create a contract between himself… Continue reading