You believe in Space? can you comprehend what it is or isn’t?
Question by Robert C: You believe in Space? can you comprehend what it is or isn’t?
The reason most people can not comprehend the idea that Space is neither expanding nor contracting and that is just is… Continue reading
Does any believe that loves finds you when you’re not looking?
Question by Terrence Mann: Does any believe that loves finds you when you’re not looking?
I’m 23 and I’ve never been in a relationship before. It really used to bother me a bit, but lately it’s not.… Continue reading
Believe – Sell Your Sole – Alex
Sell Your Sole Drops 1/11/11 – Visit WHATABOUTALEX.COM Music Business – The biz within the biz of selling beats
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Do you believe that “Idol” contestants make record deals outside of the show?
Question by Danielle: Do you believe that “Idol” contestants make record deals outside of the show?
I’ve heard in the past that it’s possible contestants make deals with music producers outside of… Continue reading
Can you tell me about a a music producer who you believe has added a TECHNICAL dimension to music production?
Question by CarSurfer220: Can you tell me about a a music producer who you believe has added a TECHNICAL dimension to music production?
And also describe his/her work? This can mean a producer with a distinctive… Continue reading