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The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – PART 10

This part in this series called “The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry,” focuses on the Police State Agenda that is being foster onto the masses via Main Stream Media in particular with popular music.

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The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry part 7 – C

Part 7 focuses on the MK-Ultra Monarch Programming that is being widely used in the entertainment industry. because of the vast amount of information, I’ve broken this part into four sections. This part focuses on the side affects of the… Continue reading

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – Part 5

This is the part 5 of a documentary explaining the secret agenda behind the music industry. It goes into great detail explaining about the symbols within the live performance, and music videos of today top artistes.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – Part 4

This is the part 4 of a documentary explaining the secret agenda behind the music industry. The entity known as “Rain Man,” is finally exposed. also, it goes into greater detail regarding demonic possession. DISCLAIMER: This video contains copyrighted material… Continue reading

Previous tenants left behind stuff in rental home. How long do I have to keep it before I can throw it out?

Question by the_real_madcap: Previous tenants left behind stuff in rental home. How long do I have to keep it before I can throw it out?
I rented a house and the previous tenants left behind several boxes… Continue reading