Spieltape – Lonely Places Ive Never Been // Proton Music
Spieltape – Lonely Places Ive Never Been // Proton Music [PROTON0116]Genre: Prog-House,Deep House,Electronica, Release Date: May 24 2010 Beatport: www.beatport.com Label: Proton Music 1 Spieltape – Lonely Places Ive Never Been 2 Spieltape – Lonely Places Ive Never Been (Ormatie… Continue reading
This music therapy approach involves piano improvisation which has been used effectively to elicit?
Question by Daniel: This music therapy approach involves piano improvisation which has been used effectively to elicit?
responses from children with multiple handicaps. Sessions are usually individual but can be conducted in groups. Emphasis is upon the… Continue reading
Al Bowlly – “Have You Ever Been In Heaven”? (1938) “Guilty” “Midnight, The Stars And You”

Albert Allick “Al” Bowlly (7 January 1899 — 17 April 1941) was a popular Jazz singer and crooner in the United Kingdom during the 1930s, making more than 1000 recordings between 1927 and 1941. Bowlly showcased a diverse range of… Continue reading
Najjah Calibur “So Far (Been A Pleasure)” directed by Marc Andre Debruyne 1080p
A fun filled video with flirting and love in a university library where Najjah meets the girl of his dreams! 🙂 www.najjahsworld.ca director: Marc André Debruyne www.videodirector.ca record label: Najjah’s World Entertainment production company: The Next Element executive producer: John… Continue reading
I am about to import from China and have been asked to write up a contract and proformal invoice, how do i do?
Question by Chris P: I am about to import from China and have been asked to write up a contract and proformal invoice, how do i do?
I would appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction towards maybe… Continue reading