How to become a Freelance 3D Artist?
Question by CreativeSpark: How to become a Freelance 3D Artist?
I am beginning to start freelancing as a Computer Graphics Artist (Animation, 3D Modeling). I wanted to know if there were any reference material such… Continue reading
Q&A: What does one major in if they want to become a music producer for a record company?
by PeterTea
Question by dnset7: What does one major in if they want to become a music producer for a record company?
Best answer:
Answer by Bethany
Probably Music with a Minor in Business, I would think a Master’s… Continue reading
Q&A: I want to know what classes to take in college to become a music producer?
Question by Jmusic: I want to know what classes to take in college to become a music producer?
and what colleges should i go? it has to be in southern california.
Best answer:
Answer by l_romaine
Media Arts School… Continue reading
He makes beats…How can he become a paid music producer?
by uniondocs
Question by Honey!: He makes beats…How can he become a paid music producer?
How can I help my fiance get discovered. he makes beats and in my opinion are good beats. How can he make it in… Continue reading
What education requirements are needed to become a music producer?
by uniondocs
Question by djken97: What education requirements are needed to become a music producer?
Best answer:
Answer by Bilal
none…you just have to make a good product to sell like anything else in the entertainment industry
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