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Extra Bank Holiday To Cost Britain Billions

Extra Bank Holiday To Cost Britain Billions
As many retailers benefit from a Royal Wedding consumer spending spree, it is claimed the extra bank holiday will cost the wider UK economy billions of pounds.Brits will spend £480m for the Royal… Continue reading

Putting surplus water in the bank

Putting surplus water in the bank
The North Platte Telegraph A surplus of water in the North Platte River now could mean a valuable reserve of water later via the Ogallala Aquifer, in accordance with a recently-announced plan involving local… Continue reading

SKorea: Insiders suspected in bank system shutdown

SKorea: Insiders suspected in bank system shutdown
Imagine waking up with your bank balance down to zero. This nightmare did actually happen to several South Korean customers. Twitterer Sitehis (@sitehis) tweeted ‘On April 15 early in the morning, My Nonghyup… Continue reading

How long does it take to get a contract signed on a bank owned house?

Question by donnyhlt: How long does it take to get a contract signed on a bank owned house?
I put an offer on a house on january 28, we agreed on a price verbally through their realtor on the… Continue reading

Can you sell a car with a payment plan if the bank owns the title?

Question by scorpia_kiss: Can you sell a car with a payment plan if the bank owns the title?
I own a 2007 vehicle and want to sell it to save money. The financing company still has a lien on… Continue reading