Epic Music Mix XII – Brickwall Audio

THIS IS MADNESS!? Madness? This is a brand new EPIC MUSIC MIX!!! As a little promotion to the upcoming new album “Cataclysm Vol.1 – Heroes” by Brickwall Audio, I present you the Epic Music Mix XII – Brickwall Audio. The… Continue reading
Free Audio Editor How to Add Text to Speech (TTS)
www.free-audio-editor.com FAE Distribution provides this free audio editor with various editing functions. You can use it to add text-to-speech (TTS) to an audio file. You can download it here http Hope you enjoy & please leave comments and rating.
A Linux Audio Christmas
A Linux Audio Christmas
Linux Planet: “Some interesting items showed up under Dave’s Christmas tree, including a new book by some old friends, a laptop keyboard (music, not QWERTY), and an excellent Linux audio plugin for high-quality reverb. Dave must… Continue reading
Bernie Williams – La Salsa En MI (HQ Audio)
www.berniewilliams.com www.youtube.com The music, text, and pictures are copyrighted to their respective owners; no infringement intended! Critically acclaimed guitarist/songwriter and famed NY Yankees star BERNIE WILLIAMS has signed a recording contract with REFORM RECORDS for his sophomore album MOVING FORWARD… Continue reading
Sony Vaio VGNA115B Sonicstage 4.3 ATRAC3plus Audio File Bug Error BEWARE!?
Question by kamikaziggy: Sony Vaio VGNA115B Sonicstage 4.3 ATRAC3plus Audio File Bug Error BEWARE!?
Ive got a Sony VGNA115B laptop with music management system SonicStage 4.3. I transferred my entire record library onto the system using Sonys… Continue reading