Looking to start a Production Company based in Los Angeles, CA?
Question by Imagine: Looking to start a Production Company based in Los Angeles, CA?
I Want to start a Production Company for both Film and Music in Los Angeles CA, like a Film Production/Record Label. How do I go… Continue reading
any record labels in los angeles california?
Question by gottadance162: any record labels in los angeles california?
to work for them . i need a couple best record labels companies?
Best answer:
Answer by walterplittle
Sometimes record labels post open positions on craigslist. Of… Continue reading
Noise restrictions in Los Angeles and lease agreement?
Question by tenant: Noise restrictions in Los Angeles and lease agreement?
I am renting an apartment in Los Angeles.
I regularly play ping pong in my living room (table stands there).
Recently tenant from apartment in the… Continue reading
Q&A: What are the best music record labels in Los Angeles?
Question by MissFab: What are the best music record labels in Los Angeles?
Im looking to intern in LA over the summer. I want to know about record labels that have popular artists…artists of today!! Anybody know?… Continue reading
Does anyone know what the Los Angeles Recording School’s tuition costs are generally?
Question by Justin G: Does anyone know what the Los Angeles Recording School’s tuition costs are generally?
I’m thinking about going to LA to go to school and I need to find out there associate’s degree in music business… Continue reading