What would happen if an American Idol winner refused a record contract?
Question by Leaira: What would happen if an American Idol winner refused a record contract?
What if he/she just wanted to be on the show for fun and never actually record music or ever be heard from again? Would… Continue reading
What signed music artists do you think COULD compete and do well in American Idol? Make a top 12!?
Question by isabel_jade: What signed music artists do you think COULD compete and do well in American Idol? Make a top 12!?
Make your own top 12 of popular signed music artists who you think are great singers and… Continue reading
American Greetings Card Aisle Represents One-Stop Shopping this Christmas Season
Sony Music Publishing
Image by cliff1066™
Sony Music Publishing, 8 Music Square West
American Greetings Card Aisle Represents One-Stop Shopping this Christmas Season
Tis the season for celebrating all of the special relationships that make this time of year so… Continue reading
Do you think former American Idol Contestant: Siobhan Magnus will get a recording contract?
by familymwr
Question by arcticwolf71960: Do you think former American Idol Contestant: Siobhan Magnus will get a recording contract?
No rude remarks, please!
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Answer by Soc the Vote!
What do you think? Answer below!
American Digest
LoveJones & PhysEdison “Sunday Drive” featured on FrostWire
Image by Gubatron
Finding the perfect chemistry between producer and MC is a very rare if not magical occurrence. With the single driven, mixtape economy of hip hop, finding this connection… Continue reading