Where can I find free templates for land contracts and lease purchase agreements?
Question by rowet@prodigy.net: Where can I find free templates for land contracts and lease purchase agreements?
I am obtaining a home and I would like to make an educated decision.
Best answer:
Answer by Edward
I… Continue reading
SABIC and ExxonMobil Chemical Award Contracts, Sign Technology Agreements for Proposed New Elastomers Project
SABIC and ExxonMobil Chemical Award Contracts, Sign Technology Agreements for Proposed New Elastomers Project
HOUSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) and affiliates of ExxonMobil Chemical announced that Front-End Engineering Design contracts were awarded and that all components are in FEED… Continue reading
Q&A: Are verbal agreements legal. Does a request for a written contract void the verbal agreement?
Question by pheobej: Are verbal agreements legal. Does a request for a written contract void the verbal agreement?
WE sold an RV with the understanding that he pay us so much a month and not move the rig out… Continue reading
Q&A: What is the difference between agreement and contract? (in the context of business agreements & contracts)?
Question by Babar Khan: What is the difference between agreement and contract? (in the context of business agreements & contracts)?
Best answer:
Answer by top j
thses two are terms of law.
Agreement means merely agree to pay or… Continue reading

Typical paperwork to fill out before getting the contract for your next wedding
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