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Agent - 2/5 - Music Legal Contracts

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Is it a breach of contract if the real estate agent doesn’t provide an inspection form for rental property?

Question by a_life: Is it a breach of contract if the real estate agent doesn’t provide an inspection form for rental property?
As tenants we were never provided with one.

Best answer:

Answer by chipedwards89
No. An… Continue reading

Music Agent (Facts?)?

Question by Rachel: Music Agent (Facts?)?
I’m really into music and stuff but I’m not looking to performing.
I really got into the music agent profession.
I was wondering if anyone out there is a music agent,… Continue reading

Q&A: How do I contact Forever the Sickest Kids Booking Agent?

band contract
by wallyg

Question by dreambiggg1230: How do I contact Forever the Sickest Kids Booking Agent?
I am looking for a way to contact the booking agent for the band Forever the Sickest Kids. I am trying to book them… Continue reading

Any way to find insurance provider, coverage or agent for LLC business online?

Question by helenlane_kia: Any way to find insurance provider, coverage or agent for LLC business online?
Need to find out insurance company to contact for replacement cost of music equipment stolen from inside. It is small tavern,… Continue reading

SUB-LEASING? I’ve been approached by an agent from “automotions concepts” and I need to know if they are legit

Question by tooxswt: SUB-LEASING? I’ve been approached by an agent from “automotions concepts” and I need to know if they are legit
I am trying to sell my car and was approached by “automotions concepts inc” -> they are located out of illinois. i cannot afford a lawyer to look at the sample contracts… Continue reading