Q&A: trusted a friend to be my music business agent but can’t do his job because he is to attached to me what to do
Question by margaret: trusted a friend to be my music business agent but can’t do his job because he is to attached to me what to do
Best answer:
Answer by Race Relations Today
get someone else… Continue reading
Do I need to get an agent or manager before contacting record companies?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
Question by lightninroxmysox: Do I need to get an agent or manager before contacting record companies?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
I’m getting into the country music business and I was wondering if I should get an agent or manager before sending anything to… Continue reading
urgent) I NEED AN ARTIST AGENT? (im a rapper i need an agent 2 promote my music ect..( open 4 details) in ATL?
Question by T-Rock: urgent) I NEED AN ARTIST AGENT? (im a rapper i need an agent 2 promote my music ect..( open 4 details) in ATL?
im a rapper and i need an agent to… Continue reading
How to sue my agent for negative representation and threats of suit?
Question by Sarah S: How to sue my agent for negative representation and threats of suit?
I’m a musician, and head of a band. I’ve been having problems with the person who was booking us since September 2009. It… Continue reading